When I first saw Memento, I didn’t make the connection to the Priscilla film, and didn’t realize Guy Pearce was Australian. He’s also pretty famous for his role in The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert ( trailer). The main character in Memento, Leonard Shelby, is played by Australian Guy Pearce, whom I watched last year in two “tele-movies” filmed in my neighbourhood in Melbourne, where I was living at the time ( here’s the trailer for one of them). Which is both troubling (what’s wrong with my brain?) and enjoyable (hey, I get to enjoy this story all over again!).

Or at least, it has a tinge of the familiar, and a few things will really stand out as recognized, but for the most part it’s like having a new experience. I do often find that I can re-watch a movie, or re-read a book after a couple of years and it’s almost like new again. Not just the usual things, like where I put my keys, or what I had for breakfast (though, since I usually have the same thing every day, that’s pretty easy), but things like novels I’ve read, films I’ve watched, how stressed I was last time I taught courses in a certain way-a convenient one for when I’m planning new courses and have all these grand ideas about what to do and I forget how much time all that is going to take. I found that I had forgotten much of the film, which is not unusual for me-I am not sure that I have a memory “problem” (and certainly nothing on the scale of Leonard Shelby, in the film), but I do have an uncanny knack of forgetting things quickly and easily and regularly. I had seen it a couple of times over the years, but decided to watch it again for this assignment.

I immediately thought of Memento, a film I really, really liked when it came out back in 2000. This animated gif is for the second week of the Headless ds106 for Fall 2013, in which we were asked to do a gif of a scene from one of our favourite (or least favourite) movies.